Photo by Sam Poullain on Unsplash

Clean Lines

Eric Hollinshead
3 min readJan 31, 2021


How many of us think that our lives should be a clean and straight line to the destination in our heads? Just me?…

Yea right.

We spend most of our lives believing that if we set goals, and keep striving nothing should go wrong.

With this mental picture of life, when obstacles get in our way, or our path takes a hard left turn, and we don’t know how to adapt. We keep struggling to get back on the original mind made path instead of realizing we are now headed to in a new direction, or altered destination.

Life is in time, time is constantly changing, and change is about our ability to adapt with what is presented to us at any given moment, instead of being stuck in some mental image of a place that no longer exits.

I’m not saying goals aren’t healthy, or needed, they are for an abundant experience in our life. But in complaining or stressing about the winding road we take should be expected, not feared.

Life is constantly challenging us, in more ways than I can describe. The undercurrent or life’s energy, God…, if you like that word, is seeing what we aren’t good at and then saying, let’s try this for a little while.

I see you suck at dealing with aggressive people, how about more of that in your life. Have an unhealthy addiction to exercise? How about a broken knee. Scared of looking for a job in this economy? How about the company goes out of business.

Not to be cruel, or to cause unwanted suffering, but to challenge us. To help us grow as higher beings through rising to challenges, by doing, not conceptualizing.

We learn by doing, most of us anyway. I learn by doing something the hard way more than once. Maybe like 10 or 20 times before I say, wait… there must be an easier way.

My lines are like knots in a tangle of Christmas lights that have been stored in your attic since 1985.

A zoomed out photo of my life’s path.

Yet, I still hold onto the clean lines of “how I think things should be” instead of realizing where they are at this very moment.

Once I do have that realization, I am free again to draw new lines and adapt to new goals. But guess what.

Those will change also. Just give it time.

So what I am trying to practice since this new year is a clearer picture in my mind, aligned with my soul, that allows goals held loosely.

Here is a little graphic I put together to remind me how to slow down. By slowing down I realize life is a gift. Change is inevitable, and I can come back into flow state. I find when I am no longer in alignment with this is because I have drifted far to the left or right in my behaviors.

The rainbow spectrum at the bottom indicates both our physical and emotional we being. The outer columns are how we (including myself) like to spend most of our waking hours in society.

None of the things in life are negative per-say, but can have negative impacts on our flow state and where we sit in our view of ourselves and the world around us.

This causes delay of realization in how we readjust into what is, not what we want it to be.

Life is a spectrum full of all these states and all should be practiced, but by always returning to center we align back to the present moment. We become content with what is. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go take a walk, breathe the air, smile at the birds and just be thankful to the energies in the world that cradle me, cradle us all and make life truly worth living.

Love be with you all.



Eric Hollinshead

Creative Director. Writer. Sharing my experiences about living but don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself.